Who is Teoten?

Manuel Teodoro Tenango (Teoten) is a statistician and data analyst with background in Ecology and Environmental Sciences. When he is not working for money or for idealism (volunteer) is programming and learning new stuff. Programming has been his biggest hobby for long time and as from 2022 it became his full time job. He is supporter of free and open source software and a power R user. Other interests include Emacs, Common Lisp and Julia.

Find out more on his personal portfolio or follow Manuel on Social Media

Selected Projects

Web Studio


R package to facilitate the creation of Maps of Infrastructure per City (MAPIC). The code is used to support a project for an NGO. A free version can be found on my GitHub account.


Hepatitis Dashboard

Dashboard generated using R package flexdashboard using the public data of Hepatitis C. Here is an improved version of the dashboard that I used for my Master studies.

Live Demo Code
Web Studio

See all my personal projects

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